Elmdale 100th Anniversary

Elmdale Lawn Bowling Club celebrated their 100 anniversary!

1922 – 2022

100 years and going strong

Our celebration took place on Sunday May 28, 2023 in our 101 year!

Keeping in tradition, we wore white on this beautiful sunny day.

2023 Elmdale
100th Decorations
Winning Team: Ryan Laginski, Heather Jarrett. & Gwen Kozar with our Oldest Trophy dating 1924
Vintage Canadian Flag
Marilyn Myers & Gianni Bertazzo
Dan Carnrite & Dawn Voisey
Dan Carnrite & Rene Boucher (President)
Cake Bakers & Decorators! Rene Boucher & Dawn Voisey
Clubhouse all decorated for the occasion.
Having fun!
Margrit Dutta & Malvary Cole
100th Anniversary Poster
Rene Boucher (President) receiving the 100th Anniversary plaque from Bowls Canada.